
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Vaccinations and Autism…Connected Essay examples - 2145 Words

Every child born in America is unique: whether it be because of skin color, hair color, birth weight, complications while still in the womb, or difficulties at birth. Yet when it comes to vaccinations they are all treated equal and are expected to follow the government recommended vaccination schedule. Once these vaccinations have been given, they cannot be removed from a child’s body. The harm they may have caused a child, cannot be reversed. Parents need to be aware of what is in these vaccines and the possible harmful effects they can have on their child. While the official cause of autism has not been clearly determined, parents of young children and expecting parents need to be aware that research shows a definite link between†¦show more content†¦Seven vaccines injected into a 13-pound, two-month old infant are equivalent to 70 doses in a 130- pound adult (Miller). The recommended vaccination schedule becomes questionably when looked at like this. The comparison between seven vaccines in an infant and seventy in a small adult is surprising. How can it be considered safe to assume every young child’s body can handle this; without looking at the individual child? Not all children are the same, nor is their situation. It seems logical to think it would be better to look at the individual child and their case to determine what is best for them. In order to better understand why vaccinations should not be given the same for every child, it is important to know what is in them. The CDC reassures parents all over their website that vaccination is safe. Many physicians recommend vaccination for their patients, without hesitation. Vaccination is the â€Å"thing to do†. Going through medical school, physicians are taught the practice of vaccinating children. The CDC and the Food and Drug Administration both report they continue to do studies to ensure the safety of vaccinations. However, Dr. Mercola, a board certified osteopathic physician, points out that â€Å"these groups have NEVER Brown 3 proven that it is safe to inject the number and volume of vaccines that we do in the United States† (Mercola). Child vaccinations used to be filled with a toxin known asShow MoreRelatedVaccines Do Not Blame Vaccines For Children?1271 Words   |  6 Pagesblamed on genetics, but when a kid is autistic it is blamed on vaccinations. Autism comes from genetics also, so why not blame vaccines for making people short too? If parents do not blame vaccines on their kids shortness, why blame vaccines for autism?. For years there has been controversy about vaccines causing autism in children. The vaccine scare originally started when there was a report in 1998 on how the MMR vaccine can cause autism, which was later dismissed as false (Rao). 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