
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Societies Scapegoat :: essays research papers

Societies ScapegoatYouth crimes be on a continual rise. It seems that everyday convulsiveoffenders keep getting younger and more aggressive. We turn on the news only to attain that a ten year old mugged,shot,stabbed,beat or blew up wizard of his peers.With crimes on the rise involving children, people begin to look for a cause.Society, when expression for a scapegoat, becomes worse than a blood thirsty lynch sept at a witch trial. Usually the most obvious stem of delirium within a blank spaceis the television. However, in most cases it is non the true cause. With the TVin the forefront of virtually every home in the civilized world, its no wonderthat its the easiest target for criticism. Its elementary to accuse the tubefor a childs behavior its a quick and easily identify source of violencewithin a youths confined world. The TV umteen times is identified as the cause ofaggressive acts to avoid transaction with other underlying issues. Society todayhas an entire array of various afflictions that plague us from day to day.The television is of very little significance alongside the landfill of troublesthat influence children today. Besides, trying to get networks to cut outviolence and aggression entirely would be comparable trying to get deliveryman Christ towrite a top ten list of reasons wherefore Christianity sucks. (Its not going tohappen.)TV is not the reason that our youth courts are filled to capacity withcourt dockets so hideous you would swear that you were looking at at the start ofthe apocalypse. Television programs are not the reason for the unornamentedincrease in adolescent crime. If you find yourself picking up your kids fromthe law station all the time, its not the TVs fault There are nosignificant consequences for youth crime in our justice system. Maybe we should chitchat stiffer penalties on violent offenders, instead of more censorship on TV.Kids would not have such a tendency to mug, beat, strangle or fool away their pe ersif there were tougher consequences for doing so.The Japanese are responsible for some of the most violent cartoons evercreated to date. I mean these things make our R rated movies look like a walk inthe park. Japanese cartoons display bloodshed and medicate induced murdering spreesas if they were nothing. Even with all this vicious behavior on Japanesetelevisions, the youth crime and aggressive behavior is one ordinal of ours. Howcan this be? Because the Japanese have adopted a zip tolerance policy forcriminal behavior and reprimand criminals with a vengeance.

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